request two additional features that, in my opinion, could greatly enhance the functionality and appeal of your theme.
Custom Infobox:
It would be fantastic if we could incorporate a custom infobox, similar to the one highlighted in the attached image. This infobox is strategically placed after a few products and is dynamically linked to a custom collection for upselling purposes. Ideally, on the collection page, when there are, for instance, four grid products, the infobox would align accordingly (as indicated by the sea green box in the attached image). This feature could significantly improve upselling opportunities for all sellers.
Product Feature Highlighting:
Another valuable addition would be the option to highlight specific product features or specialties, similar to what is illustrated in the attached image (marked in dark blue). This feature would allow sellers to draw attention to unique aspects of their products, further boosting sales and providing a more user-friendly experience.
These two features, if implemented, would undoubtedly benefit all users and contribute to increased sales. I have attached the image for your reference.